It isn't all about the code?
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Entries in Best of coneblog (24)
“Chunking Iraq” – Scope from a PM Perspective
“Chunking Iraq” means looking at the Iraq war from a Project Manager’s perspective, and using the scope chunking technique to think about the project scope alternatives available to the war planners.
Last time we talked about different ways to Chunk a project into manageable bites. Some options were by geography; by interface; by user group; by benefits. Can we apply any of these to Iraq?
“Architectural Elitism” and the Build vs. Buy Decision
I continue to see organizations choose to do a major custom development when viable alternatives are available in the marketplace. The reason given is usually that “our requirements are unique”. The real reason, especially in large organizations, is very different.
Stop Ugly Code Before it Starts!
You have seen ugly code. You have probably written some yourself. The Tragedy of Ugly Code has reached epidemic proportions since the advent of Java and object-oriented techniques.
Punchlist for a “483” – Standing on the Rock
We are pushing toward the finish of this Incident Reporting System project. I’m working the Punchlist with my Client PM counterpart, and we are knocking items off faster than they are coming on.
Punchlist for a “483” - The Main Chance
We were deep into design in the “483” project. As described, in this project process the Design Document is done last. So, once we had a good idea of the data design, we started building screens. We used an iterative process with multiple client reviews in short order, as time was limited. The Tech Writer started to document the data model, and build a Glossary – the most overlooked part of project documentation. And I worked on the Issues List, which later ended up saving my butt.