It isn't all about the code?
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Entries in Best of coneblog (24)
Adware Deathmatch – The Final Chapter
I’m looking at the screen on my spouse’s laptop, at the blank IE window that just popped up. The malicious Adware code is vainly trying to load components that I have erased off the Drive. It is badly damaged, with most if its code stripped away. It is trapped, with access to its adware site restricted. But it is still running.
Malicious, Infectious Code; every last piece of you is going into the bit bucket.
Asia Impressions – Cell Phones, Plugs and ATMs
The business traveler to Asia has a few questions – Will my cell phone work? Can I access the internet? Can I plug my electronics in? Will my ATM card work?
The answers are: Probably not; Yes; It depends, and Usually.
If You Measure It, They Will Come (back)
In my Project Manager's toolbox, I always carry the indispensable measuring tape. It's like the old saw (pun intended): "if you can't measure it, you can't manage it". And, there are lot's of things to measure.
Project Management Tools – The Scope Axe
Continuing on the theme of Project Management Tools, we are taking a tour of my personal project management toolbox. I open the toolbox and I see one of my favorite and most used tools, the Scope Axe.
Project Management Tools – The Hourglass
OK, it is time to take a break from our focus on content management. We have been tracking the progress of my content management project, and we recently waded into the deeper waters of XML, Metatagging, and Semantic Nets. Before we go completely under, let’s sit on the edge of the pool, catch our breath, and talk about more general IT project management concerns.