It isn't all about the code?
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New Orleans Revisited
I had an opportunity this week to visit the post-Katrina Crescent City.
I’m in New Orleans for the HIMSS show – the annual Healthcare It and Systems show. This show is getting bigger and bigger, reflecting the nation’s desire to fix Healthcare with technology. The vendor booths have gotten huge, looking like PC-era COMDEX. But I’m told that it is still only an 8 billion dollar healthcare systems market, and it is hard to see how these hundreds of companies are going to make any money.
An Unexpected Thanksgiving Visitor
We had an unexpected visitor this year to our Thanksgiving celebration.
In the United States, Thanksgiving is a big deal. It is a holiday that has grown up around one of our seminal national tales, that of the British colonists and the indigenous Indian tribes coming together in a harvest meal to give thanks for the bounty of the past year.
I Hate MS Project
I feel I need to share with you a secret that I’ve struggled with for some years as an IT project manager – I hate project management software.
Yes, it’s true. I hate creating and maintaining detailed project plans in Project.
Don’t do the Wrong System
In starting a new project, I try to identify the main risk – and structure the project accordingly. Most of the time though, it is the same risk.
Advanced Listening – how not to be heard
Earlier this year I got an advanced lesson in listening – how to listen in order to be heard. I fancy myself a good listener, but I found that I had violated one of the cardinal rules of the speaking/listening dynamic.