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PM Tools - the Oh Crap Meeting

In the interest of highlighting a technique that we all probably use, I’ll share an effective PM strategy – the “Oh Crap” meeting. An “Oh Crap” meeting can is an opportunity for the project team to identify problems, vent, and sometimes even confess.

In the course of most projects, there comes a time when the project has gotten off track. Sometimes this occurs early, when the scope or design had not closed, and it is obvious to all that the project is adrift.

Sometimes this happens later, when the developers find unanticipated complexity in an area of function.

Sometimes this happens very late, when code starts to be delivered to QA, and significant problems in quality, scope or design become apparent.

These are examples of obvious roadblocks or barriers, that are apparent to many. Less obvious are difficulties referenced in the previous set of posts about the dynamics of projects in environments.

In prior posts, I described what can happen when a project that seeks to make significant change encounters a “dense” or resistant area of the project environment – be it a group of users, a technical interface point, or an external vendor or service.

In these cases, the “oops” aspect of the collision may not be as readily apparent to the project team members, and the barriers and their impact may not be as obvious. The symptoms might be more a lack of progress or commitment, or “passive resistance”.

In both cases, an “Oh Crap” meeting may be helpful.

Broadly defined, an “Oh Crap” meeting is a session where the Project Manager highlights a specific problem in the project, with the objective of clearing away obstacles, and creating a path forward.

These sessions have some readily identifiable attributes:

•- Often a “special meeting” to address a specific problem or situation

•- Begins with a description of the problem or situation, in a non-judgmental way

•- Follows with an opportunity for the primary parties (QA, Developer, User, whoever) to speak, explain, accuse, vent, provide excuses, etc. This venting is an important part of clearing the air. Good mediator techniques include the avoidance of “You” statements, and encouraging the participants to describe the impact of the problem on their own people and groups, rather than as accusative statements.

•- Next is usually a time of options – “what can we do about this situation?” This works as a classic idea generation session, where thoughts and ideas are encouraged, before some closure – a broad base encourages thought, and reduces the perception that the guilty are being punished.

•- Following with a plan of action, with dates and accountability, to get things back on track. These are duly noted and tracked by the Project Manager. Hopefully, things get better.

Many project managers use the “behind the scenes” approach to manage problems and barriers. This is fine, but sometimes it is best to get a problem out in the open. A combination approach, combining behind the scenes communication prior to a public airing, can be effective with politically charged issues or environments.

In any case – calling a special meeting of the Project team to address a specific problem can be useful moving ahead the project. Plus, It can benefit you directly:

Some advantages to the “Oh Crap” meeting approach to you are:

•- Builds your credibility because you called out a problem that some were aware of, and some were not

•- Manages “Organizational Attention” – an important and limited resource that you want to employ only when needed. Gets the organization to pay attention to a particular issue, and can be used to solve systemic problems (How we do requirements) in addition to tactical problems (these requirements are crap).

•- Shows that you are “Managing the Project” – sometimes if you are too good a project manager, your skills may not be visible to senior managers. Less destructive than Setting a Bonfire, but useful to show your skills.

•- Reduces pressure in a charged situation – lets people vent, and reduces Max Q – maximum dynamic pressure in the project – discussed in this post about Maximum dynamic pressure:

•- Encourages participation in the solution, which improves buy-in, and makes your change job easier.

This last is important. Even if you are a project manager like me, who always knows the right solution in every situation (grin), you can be more successful if you are less bossy and more collaborative. Sure, you know what to do, but see if you can get the answer to come out of someone else’s mouth.

If you find yourself confronting a significant problem or barrier in your project, call an “Oh Crap” meting, and get the problem out in the open. You and your stature will benefit.

Larry Cone

Posted on Tuesday, January 13, 2009 at 09:41PM by Registered CommenterLarry Cone in , | CommentsPost a Comment

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