About Blogging – Taxonomy
Which brings up the question of taxonomy, or the discussion of the different types of blogs. In my wanderings in the Blogosphere, I have run across several types of Blogs. First is the project log blog, written by and for participants in a specific project, often open source. These usually start with apologies about not posting for a while, and go on about the details of the latest release. These blogs are only of interest to the project participants.
Then there are the “political commentary” blogs. These are maintained by those with a well-defined, often controversial point of view, and are characterized by many, if not hundreds of comments. I don’t know how the authors keep up. The comments are often “me too” posts to let the poster hear their voice, or the rabidly-opposed shots from the other side.
Then there are the “what I did today” blogs, of interest mostly to a small circle of friends.
Then there are the “work gossip” blogs, which detail the antics of a somewhat veiled group of people that is of interest usually only to the insiders.
Then there are the ‘survey” blogs, in which the author or their network cruises the web for interesting things, and posts them for amazement or amusement. BoingBoing is my favorite of this genre – it gives me a window on a younger, cooler, more sarcastic worldview.
Then there are the “voice” blogs (like mine, I suppose) where the voice and persona of the author comes through clearly, and the readers either agree with the author’s point of view, or find her interesting, or informative, or educational, or entertaining, or all of the above. It is my goal to first inform, then entertain, then stimulate or interest.
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