This site started as my blog on ITToolbox. Along the way I found: First, I found that I enjoyed writing a blog; Second, I found that a surprising number of people were reading me regularly; Third, I found that I had a lot to say, mostly about delivering quality software, but also about my adventures in code, and about the people close to me; Fourth, I found that my readers enjoyed the "non-IT Stuff" as much as the down and dirty details of managing software development. So it is the coneblog because it is by me, Larry Cone. My goal is to entertain and educate. I hope that you get some of both!
The author (left) and partner David Hastings using the theodolite that we used to survey the Skycam setup. Part of my responsibility was figuring out how the math worked to convert joystick inputs into camera motion. In order to do this, you need to know the position of the camera suspension points in 3D. To know that, you have to survey the position of the suspension pulleys.