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Entries in Project Manager Tools (25)
The Power of the Pen(cil)
Every PM has to have a pencil – if for no other reason than he/she has to take lunch orders sometimes. My pencil is one of those big carpenter pencils with an equally big eraser on the end. Point is: no matter what you write down, chances are good it will need to change. This may surprise some folks, especially business managers who want to make funding decisions using pens with indelible ink . . .
Project Management Tools – Measuring Cups
We continue with our tour of my Project Management Toolbox. We have looked at the Project Hourglass, and the Scope Axe. There in the top tray I see my Phase Measuring Cups. They are bight shiny and smooth, from much wear. I have probably used them fifty times in my PM career.
Project Management Tools – The Scope Axe
Continuing on the theme of Project Management Tools, we are taking a tour of my personal project management toolbox. I open the toolbox and I see one of my favorite and most used tools, the Scope Axe.
Project Management Tools – The Hourglass
OK, it is time to take a break from our focus on content management. We have been tracking the progress of my content management project, and we recently waded into the deeper waters of XML, Metatagging, and Semantic Nets. Before we go completely under, let’s sit on the edge of the pool, catch our breath, and talk about more general IT project management concerns.
PM Tools – Trust Dust
The next tool in our tour of my Project Management Toolbox is my precious jar of Trust Dust. It is probably my most valuable tool.