What is it all about?
Sunday, October 16, 2005 at 05:31PM
Larry Cone

This site started as my blog on ITToolbox.  I'm not sure why I started to write it, maybe to see if I could.  But several things happened along the way: 

 First, I found that I enjoyed writing a blog;  Second, I found that a surprising number of people were reading me regularly;  Third, I found that I had a lot to say, mostly about delivering quality software, but also about my adventures in code,  and about the peolpe close to me;  Fourth, I found that my readers enjoyed the "non-IT Stuff" as much as the down and dirty details of managing software development.

So, although I'm going to continue to post Information Technology Project Management views both here and at ITToolbox, here I'll be able to post a broader range of content.  Plus, documents, pictures, and extras.

Hope you enjoy my ruminations.  whether you do or not, I have found that the writing of the blog is theraputic for me.  If you do enjoy the content, or agree, or disagree, feel free to comment.


Article originally appeared on coneblog (http://www.coneblog.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.